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Item Maker & How to Play – MelonCube – Blog

Falling from the sky, Tetris joins the Minecraft store! So, today, we’re exploring the Minecraft Tetris DLC, how much it costs to play it, and a glimpse at the Tetris lore this DLC shares in the form of dungeon crawls.

Minecraft Tetris DLC

A new dungeon has appeared, but it’s not as simple as it seems. The corridors all have unique shapes, as if you were in someone’s game of Tetris! The Minecraft Tetris DLC places players inside a Tetris board of massive enemies, and the only way to defeat them is to fight their way piece by piece to the boss room at the top.

Along the way, prepare to encounter Tetrimonsters while searching for loot for a unique arsenal of Tetris-themed items. Only with good performance can defeating the final boss be possible.

Tetris Skins and Creator Items

Unfortunately, the Minecraft Tetris DLC and Addon does not include any promotional creation items. However, the Tetris DLC comes with 18 skins! Each is themed with Tetris pieces, with two being entire games of Tetris that take place on your arms, chest, and legs.


The Minecraft Tetris DLC is available on the Minecraft Marketplace for 1510 Minecraft Coins, which is about $8.77 USD, with the 1720 Minecraft Coin Bundle costing $9.99. As for the rating, 266 reviews have the Minecraft Tetris DLC at 4.7 stars! That is quite high praise!

Minecraft Tetris DLC Released: Crafting Items & How to Play

Tetris was one of the first games to take the world by storm, so it’s great to see the brand collaborating with the biggest game of our time. Hopefully, like previous add-ons, the Minecraft Tetris DLC will produce more Tetris-themed content for fans to enjoy.

Until Next Time,

MelonCube Hosting =)

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